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HOMEservicesMonthly Accounting Services

Monthly Accounting Services

We provide services on a monthly basis to companies or sole proprietors.

1. Accounting bookkeeping

We record your transactions into accounting software to meet Japanese accounting standards. If the rules allow for a range of options for accounting methods, we will formulate a bookkeeping policy that takes into account the requirements of your management accounting as well as tax returns.

If your accounting method does not meet the requirements of Japanese accounting standards, you can record your transactions in the accounting software according to Japanese standards and make adjustments outside the books. Please refer to the Reporting package for more information.

The cost of our bookkeeping service varies depending on how organized your transaction information is.

Bookkeeping service plan and fee

Service Plan Price (excluding tax)
Standard Plan : You are required to fill in the expense list
From 30,000 yen per month
Standard Plan : You are required to fill in the expense list
From 50,000 yen per month
The services and prices include the monthly advisory service.

The minimum price above is based on a simple company with an average of 50 transactions per month or less, and without the following factors which cause the fee increase:

  • There is a large volume of transactions to be recorded. The fee is not simply proportional to the volume of transactions, but we estimate the cost taking into account the content of the transactions as well.
  • If you have import transactions, accounting can become complicated, which can lead to increased costs.
  • Excluding the minimum required sub-accounts for each account code, if management accounting requirements are included, such as assigning codes by department, this will result in an increase in fees.
  • For non-listed companies (which is the majority of our clients), we use simplified accounting standards that are legally acceptable. We also aim to be more efficient by not being as strict with monthly bookkeeping as we are at the end of the fiscal year. If strict monthly accounting is required due to requirements from a parent company, for example, our fee estimate may be higher.

Even if all of the above is included, in most cases it will be less than 100,000 yen per month, depending on the trading volume.

2. Monthly advisory

Even if you have your own bookkeeper, during your daily bookkeeping tasks, you may want to consult with someone about accounting or taxes or check the results of your bookkeeping. We will review your accounting books on monthly basis to confirm compliance with Japanese accounting standards, and provide tax advice.

We are also available to answer questions and provide appropriate advice on specialized accounting and tax-related matters that arise in your daily business operations. In particular, we provide consultations on a variety of matters related to international taxation and overseas transactions in general.

Our Standard Fee : From 30,000 yen to 100,000 yen per month (excluding tax)

3. Reporting package

There are many cases where you need to package and report monthly financial statements and their details to a parent company overseas.
In such cases, we will create your consolidated package in the format specified by the parent company, adjusting and reclassifying accounting standards if necessary.

Our Standard Fee : From 30,000 yen to 100,000 yen per month (excluding tax)

Quotation and Contract Flow

Please contact us using the inquiry form to describe your situation and the services you require. We will review it and ask any additional questions necessary to prepare a quotation.

During this process, if it is difficult to give you a fixed-price quote smoothly, such as if the situation is complex and it will take time to confirm your tax status, or if your business plan is uncertain and you would like us to do a tax simulation, we may recommend a paid consultation first.

Once we have prepared a quote and you have agreed, we will prepare a contract, which both parties will sign electronically to begin work. Since there is no need to stamp paper, the contract procedure is very smooth.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us
by phone or by filling out the inquiry form below.

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